How To Narrow Down Painting Ideas for Your Bathroom

Interior painting is an exciting part of home renovations. A new coat of paint or a change of color can do wonders for any room. In the bathroom and other wet spaces, however, people often need a little more help to narrow down their options.


Choose paint rated for use in wet spaces even when you’re not painting an area of the bathroom you expect to get wet. Steam from hot showers, playfights between kids in the bathroom and the dog shaking himself dry will get those walls wet anyway. Interior latex paint is usually the best option here.


Consider how the color will complement other pieces in the bathroom. If you plan to do other upgrades in the future, choose a color that matches the final form without clashing with the current look. This eliminates the need to do the interior painting twice.


Some bathrooms have trims on the floor or the ceiling. Do you plan to keep these the same color? Will you paint them over with the paint you plan to use in the rest of the space? Consider this before you begin as it determines how you line up the tape before the very first brush stroke.


You might never realize how much is stuffed into small bathroom spaces until it’s time to cover them for a paint job. The mirrors, toilets, tubs, shower stalls, sinks, faucets and floors all need to be covered. If you have a window in the bathroom, you’ll also need to ensure you don’t get paint on the frame or glass.

When renovating a home one room at a time, it’s common for each room to look a little out of place as you upgrade outdated fixtures or add new touches not found in the rest of the home. However, if the bathroom is the only upgrade you plan to do, ensure this interior painting complements the rest of the home.